Central Falls SCOREcard
Developed as part of the Schools and Communities Organizing for Racial Equity (SCORE) project.
Designed by a community research team of youth and parents in Central Falls schools, the Central Falls SCOREcard is a tool that measures what matters to students and families of color, students and families experiencing economic hardship, and others most impacted by educational inequities in the Central Falls Public Schools.
The SCOREcard features four education equity issues that community members identified as priorities, along with a set of indicators – specific data points that help to measure the school system’s performance in these areas.
The Indicators - Under Construction!
College and Career Readiness
Student Mental Health
Communications with Youth and Families
Multilingual and Newcomer Student Experiences
The Community Research Team was supported by researchers from The Center for Youth and Community Leadership in Education (CYCLE) at Roger Williams University, researchers from the Social Policy Hub for Equity Research in Education (SPHERE), and staff from Parents Leading for Educational Equity (PLEE).
The SCOREcard aims to provide young people and parents, community leaders and organizations, as well as those inside the school system, with accessible data to understand the school district’s complex equity challenges and to inform and advocate for solutions. The ability to compare data across schools, grades, and racial and ethnic groups was particularly important to our Central Falls Community Research Team, so we have created interactive data visualizations that help users to explore information in different ways. Each indicator with data also has information on the visualization page that helps to outline what the indicator measures, what it means, and why it matters for educational and racial equity.
The SCOREcard is a living resource, and we will be adding new data and analyses on a regular basis. Sign up for our email updates and check back regularly for new additions! If you would like support in using the SCOREcard tool, please contact us at cycle_score@rwu.edu.
The Schools and Communities Organizing for Racial Equity (SCORE) project launched in Providence, Rhode Island in early 2021 and has since expanded to two other Rhode Island communities, Central Falls and Newport.
Three partner organizations supported the parent and youth Community Research Team in developing the SCORE indicators and Central Falls SCOREcard.
About the Authors
The Central Falls SCOREcard was designed by two SCORE Fellows, parents and youth who remained engaged after the initial 10-month commitment of the Community Research Team, in collaboration with partners from PLEE and researchers.