Providence > Instructional Equity > Indicator #6
% of Multilingual Learners enrolled in AP courses, by school.
This indicator measures two things, the number of AP courses offered at each school, and the percentage of students who are enrolled in each of those AP courses that are multilingual learners.
You will see that every school does not have the same number of AP courses offered, and that these differ from school to school. This indicator can help compare the overall percentage of MLLs in the school with how they are represented in AP classes.
If a high percentage of the overall student body at a school are MLLs but only a small percentage of students enrolled in AP classes are MLLs, then this may indicate that MLLs do not have equitable access to AP courses or that they may be facing other barriers to accessing these courses. Additionally, finding disparities between the number and selection of AP courses offered between schools may indicate that students in certain schools have access to educational opportunities that their peers in other schools do not.